Sunday, October 10, 2010

Forneris Farms

Since fall has started, I have been on fall fever, looking up apple orchards, pumpkin patches, and recipes. I found Forneris Farms online that was actually only about 30 minutes away that was having their harvest festival October 9 - November 7. I was super excited and the bf was awesome for taking me. 

There were pumpkins everywhere and I loved it!

There was a pumpkin named Max and we had to guess it's weight. The person that gets the right answer (or closest to) gets the pumpkin and $100. I would love to put that on my front porch. The only problem is that I'm good at eyeing things out. I put 160 lbs and 8 ounces. Rudy put something along the lines of 80 lbs. Lol, big gap. 

I was excited for the corn maze. I'm not good with direction so I had Rudy lead. Throughout the maze, there were CORNundrums that we had to figure out. There were 20, but by the time we got to the end of the maze, we only found 9. It was pretty warm, so we weren't looking to turn back to retrieve the rest. Lol. It took us about 40 minutes to get to the end. The maze looked pretty cool. 

Rudy played some games (bowling using a small pumpkin and hitting the crows) and won a small pumpkin and train whistle.

 Took some pictures with some friends.
Hillary Clinton

The day was awesome and we were tired at the end of the day. This was actually the first pumpkin patch I've ever been to. Can't wait for next year's maze!


  1. guys are too cute. Nach and I are going to a pumpkin patch festival this weekend and I am soooooo excited!
